Sunday, August 21, 2011

10 Things To Do Before I Turn 30

Last night I did something I’ve always wanted to do. I hung out with my dad, uncle and my friend party hopping and I laughed until I pee’d myself. As I’m writing this, I’m remembering how old I thought 30 was when I was a teenager. But as I am fast approaching the big 3-0, I am realizing that 30 really isn’t that old after all and I have so much to live for. I want to get married, have kids, own a house and even own a successful business one day. So I’ve decided to make a list. A list of 10 things that I must do before I turn 30. I live in New York City. I moved here when I was 18 and haven’t done most of the things that twenty something girls dream of moving here and doing. I guess moving here was half the battle and while I’ve done and experienced some pretty awesome things, I’m just not satisfied. I have just over a month to complete my list and I will blog about them as I complete. I may be able to go more than one thing at the same time but I plan on having loads of fun doing them. Wish me luck!

10 Things To Do Before I Turn 30

1. Go to Las Vegas and stay at a fancy hotel

2. Get another tattoo

3. Eat at a really fancy restaurant

4. See a Broadway Show

5. Walk in high heels for an entire day

6. Read a life changing book

7. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

8. Go on a single girl trip alone

9. Own something Marc Jacobs

10. Laugh til I cry


  1. can I borrow your idea to post on my blog? I'm turning 25 next year... :) It's definitely an interesting idea/adventure to post about. Absolutely love it!

  2. Sure you can Tania! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! =)
